
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Splash of Sunshine Blog Party!

I'm entering the Splash of Sunshine blog party!  All you have to do is answer these questions!
1. What word are you totally loving at the moment?  None, I've been trying to come up with a word and I can't think of any.  

2. Any tv shows/movies you are excited for this fall? Leverage.  I really can't get enough of this show!  It's so modern day Robin Hood.  And not in any creepy or weird way, I'm in love with Parker.  She really makes the show so much better!

3. Anything that symbolizes something to you? Not right at the moment.  

4. Two favorite songs at the moment? Two!  Only TWO! This is quite a challenge.  I would have to say, 

Desire- by Deas Vail 


You'll Always be My Best Friend- by Relient K

5. If there was suddenly a world taker over by an evil dictator what would you do? I'm a born rebel, therefore I would rebel.  It makes me a little bit irritated when my sister tells me to do something, so an evil dictator would not be cool.  

6. What is your favorite summer activity? Highest Praise!  An amazing three week singing tour with my favorite christian college, OCC.  

7. What has been your favorite summer vacation? Beach trips, or mission trips.  Both are amazing!   

8. If you received an unlimited shopping spree to any store, what store would it be for? Oooo...That's a hard one.  Probably Forever 21, since we don't have an H&M around these parts.  That's probably a good thing though because if we did, I would be broke.  

9. What is your favorite summertime food? Cherry pie and homemade ice cream!  I always ask my mom to make it instead of cake for my birthday :)

10. What is your favorite summertime movie? The Master of Disguise, you really CANNOT watch this movie to many times!  It's so dumb and amazing at the same time!  I'm the only person in my family who really likes it so I don't get to watch it to much.  I'm pretty sure if I lived alone I would watch it everyday.  

Friday, July 6, 2012

Highest Praise!

Most of my friends already know that I was on a three week singing tour called Highest Praise.  It was so much fun!  Now, when it was time to sign up for Highest Praise, I didn't want to go at all.  I struggled for a while with really deciding to go or not.  My reasoning being, I didn't want to be away from home for that long and that I didn't want to be gone on my birthday.  Silly reasons, I know.  Well after I actually got there time seemed to go by SO FAST!  All the days ran together and before I knew it, it was time to hit the road for tour.  Tour was SO MUCH FUN!!!  You all get on this huge charter bus and spend every single moment of the day together.  By the end of tour you know a lot more about the people you were with and a bunch of other stuff.  Did you know that grape juice is a dairy product? You even see peoples grumpier sides when you have to be at the church by 5 in the morning.  BUT, before you go on tour, every night you have worship and lesson time and then family group time.  Family group time, in my opinion that was the best part of Highest Praise.  You just get to hang out and talk about the lesson and most of the time our family group would end the night playing chubby bunny.  For those of you who have never heard of it you need to learn all about it, go here.  Another thing that made Highest Praise so great was having a awesome super cool roommate and best friend, thanks Emily!  Another person that made Highest Praise so fun was my other best friend Tristen, she is so funny! There was never a dull moment when Tristen or Emily was around.  The worst part about Highest Praise was probably ironing crew, and even that was fun most of the time!  Another neat thing was host homes.  After you were done performing that night you would get assigned host homes and they where so much fun!  You really got to bond with the people you meet and the girls you stayed with.  Overall, Highest Praise is just amazing!  I love it so much and I can't wait until next year to go back!