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1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Scotland. I would go and see Scorybrec Castle, because it's part of my family's history.
2. What is the oldest item you own?
Probably a doll that one of the elderly ladies at church gave to me. She said that her neighbor made it for her when she was a little girl in about the 1940's or 50's.
3. If you had to pick one hero, who would it be?
David from the Bible. He has enough faith to stand against a giant.
4. If you could have dinner with any three people, living or dead. Who would it be?
Jesus, of course. I think that everyone would like to have Jesus to tea.
Frank Sinatra, I love his music and the movies he's in.
Matthew Theisen, the lead singer from Relient K, my favorite band.
5. Which do you like better, Coke or Pepsi?
Coke, it tastes better.
6. What would you rather have- chocolate or a cookie?
Well, if its German then I would take the chocolate. But if its a gooey, warm cookie with a glass of milk, I would take the cookie.
7. What is your favorite season?
Summer! No school, Church camp, friends, and swimming pools.
8. What's your favorite thing about Spring?
I don't really like the April showers but I love the May flowers.
9. What's your favorite music?
Anything by Frank Sinatra or Matthew Theisen. I also really like classical music, especially when it has the piano in it.
10. What's your fashion/personal style?
I don't really know, I like stuff from the 50's. Pretty much anything as long as it's modest and not to uncomfortable.